Politicians have rolled out decisive procedures to combat the risk of infection in schools. These measures range from proper ventilation to mouth masks in the classroom. Nevertheless, the chance remains real that Covid-19 will also manifest itself in your school. How do you proceed when the phase of prevention has passed, and rapid communication is required? Where do you start?
The traditional approach:
Many schools still maintain a traditional approach. For example, many schools communicate via their school software (Informat, Smartschool, or Wisa) or emails to everyone concerned. But is that efficient? Isn't valuable time being lost? After all, speed is critical in a potential corona infection. Who knows how many other people a potentially infected person will see in turn? Therefore, speed is crucial to reduce any further contamination drastically.
Better approach:
Since students indicate that they do not check the school software daily and a traditional email does not contain the speed and decisiveness needed, valuable time is lost in many cases. A person who may be infected with Corona should know about it as soon as possible. This is the only way to prevent him from, in turn spreading the infection further. After all, this student might be active in club life? Or a sports club? Then the rate of infection gains speed. This is exactly what you want to avoid.
That's why Smstools recommends implementing SMS communication into your current communication strategy. A smartphone is firmly in everyone's hand, especially among school children. This is the best way to reach them. A text message is read within 15 minutes in 99% of the cases. So you can be sure that you have reached all those involved in a short space of time. Via the quick text message, you inform them that they should immediately consult the school software. Here they will find the new and detailed measures. I can already hear you thinking. I can never gain time via 2 different communication channels. ERROR. Let me put it to you this way:
To ensure that your detailed content actually reaches the right people as quickly as possible, it's best to work with a "messenger." In this case, the text message acts as a quick messenger that makes the recipient aware that changes have been made to the measures. This is pure because not everyone allows notifications when new content is published on the school software or checks their emails daily.
How do I proceed?
Simple. At Smstools, we provide you with a user-friendly software platform to easily send text messages. Moreover, you can easily start working with it yourself. Would you rather have a short demonstration? No problem, we will guide you where necessary!
With Smstools, you can easily upload your existing contact lists and use them to send personalized text messages to a large group. Furthermore, recipients can also respond to your messages, making it easy to engage in dialogue. Moreover, with Smstools, you only pay for your usage. No startup costs, no license fees. Only the outgoing messages are charged. This makes Smstools the #1 software platform to have on hand in crises. With Smstools, you sleep on both ears.
Create an account.
Import your contacts
Compose your message.
Select a shortcode & allow replies if necessary.
Select the message and choose the recipients.
Buy credits.
It's that simple. With Smstools, you can communicate quickly when crises arise. If you use the fast text message thoughtfully, it is a mighty communication weapon. Therefore, use SMS to gain speed and to inform people about changed measures or procedures. Always keep your message by text message short and to the point but let them know where they can go for the detailed information. Play to each communication channel's strengths, only then will you achieve the desired result.
Want to give it a try yourself? Don't waste any time, and create your free trial account via the button below. See you soon!

Covid-19 at school: how to use text message communication most efficiently